June 2014 Issue
Things are starting to warm up in the Lower Mainland! Is your home ready for the hot weather? Before we get into those awesome stretches of super-warm days, make sure you are prepared. Here’s a couple of tips for you:
- Change your filters in your heating/cooling system.
- Change your thermostat over to “cool” and test the system by turning the temperature down. Make sure you aren’t running your heater in summer!
- If you do have air conditioning, make sure you test your system before it gets really hot. Heating and air conditioning repairmen will be extremely busy in the July and August months.
- If you don’t already have one, invest in a programmable thermostat. This will enable you to save up to $100/year as you will be able to schedule when your system is working.
- Unplug your fridge and remove the base plate or top grate. Clean the coils to make sure that your fridge is running at maximum efficiency.
- Clean and repair all of your screens so that you can have your windows open round the clock.
- Clean your barbecue out so that you can use it right away.
- And don’t forget to enjoy the great outdoors!
Have you ever wanted to buy a cabin nearby to go to on the weekends? Some of you might even have one already. For those of you considering the purchase, there are many pros and cons to making this important move.This is the time of year when we see a lot of turnover in cottages. It’s a good time to start looking! Recreational waterfront properties can come in wide ranges, from the “glorified shed” to the “mansion cottage”. Here are some things you want to look for:
MARKET WATCHFor more detailed information, click here for theGreater Vancouver Real Estate Board monthly report.
- A cabin with year-round access is looked upon more favourably by lending facilities as the homes will be built with proper insulation and be winterized.
- Think about going in with a group of trusted people. You can split the time at the cabin with them (as well as the chores!).
- Take into account additional expenses: do you need a boat, is there a dock, what does it cost to drive out there, what will the yearly maintenance be like… etc.?
- Consider renting in the area you are interested in first, just to make sure this is where you want to spend your summers for the foreseeable future.
- Have you considered south of the border? With the decline of prices in U.S. homes, this may be a more affordable option.
- And, of course, if you are seriously considering this, give me a call and I will research all of your options.
MARKET WATCHFor more detailed information, click here for theGreater Vancouver Real Estate Board monthly report.